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What are the causes of thinness? Artists 4 reasons

What are the causes of thinness? Artists 4 reasons

While some people may have a genetic background or medical illness that prevents them from being overweight, this article answers many questions, including What are the causes of thinness in women, the benefits of thinness for men, and what is thinness treatment in adolescent girls?

What is thinness?

Unexplained weight loss and severe or persistent weight loss may be a sign of a medical disorder. Many doctors agree that a medical evaluation should be performed if you lose more than 5% of your weight within six months to a year.

For example, a weight loss of 5 percent for a person weighing 72 kg equal to 3.6 kg, which weighs 90 kg weighing 4.5 kg, weight is affected by calorie intake, activity level, general health, age, nutrient absorption, economic and social factors, as a combination of causes leads to a general deterioration in your health and weight loss.

What are the reasons for the slimming caused by the lifestyle?

Slimming produces from one or more reasons of lifestyle, for example:


It is defined as feeling sad or lost for at least two weeks, as depression affects the parts of the brain that control appetite; Which leads to a lack of appetite, hence weight loss.

Frequent physical activity

Athletes, such as runners, burn large quantities of calories that lead to low body weight.

Changes in diet

Changes in diet, such as: not taking sufficient vitamins and minerals leads to weight loss.

Drug abuse

Drug use and alcohol use lead to anorexia.

What are the reasons for healthy thinness?

What are the causes of thinness or in other words unexplained weight loss, for example:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis: a disease that makes the immune system attack the lining of the joints; Leading to chronic inflammation, which accelerates metabolism.
  • Addison's disease: the immune system attacks the adrenal glands that produce hormones, such as cortisol and aldosterone; This affects metabolism and appetite.
  • Amphibious disease.
  • Cancer: Cancer increases inflammation, disrupts oral regulation hormones, and increases the amount of energy your body burns during rest.
  • Changes in taste or taste.
  • Aggravation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
  • Dental problems.
  • Diabetes: pancreatic cells that make insulin attack; So your body can't use glucose for energy.
  • Tuberculosis: Weight loss is a major symptom of tuberculosis.
  • Congestive heart failure: weight loss is a complication of congestive heart failure (CHF).
  • HIV: Advanced forms of this condition cause weight loss.
  • Hyperthyroidism: Hyperthyroidism occurs which controls many functions in the body, including metabolism.
  • medicines.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Ulcerative colitis: IBD also disrupts the hormone hunger; Which leads to low appetite and weight loss.

Reasons for women's thinness

What are the reasons for women's thinness? Many different causes can cause underweight in women, including eating habits, health problems, and medication, for example:

Health problems include:

  • Which affects metabolism, such as hyperthyroidism or diabetes.
  • Which infects the digestive system, such as abdominal disease or Crohn's disease.
  • Other health problems, such as viral hepatitis, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or Parkinson's disease.

  1. Lack of appetite: due to stress or disease.
  2. Some drugs may cause nausea or lack of appetite.
  3. Eating disorders.
  4. Excessive exercise.
  5. Age: Older women may suffer from anorexia, chewing problems, or a health problem.

The benefits of slimming for men

Slimming includes many benefits for men, for example:

1- Help you sleep better and longer throughout the night, also clearing the body of excess fat can help alleviate sleep apnea and snoring.

2. Better hormonal balance.

What are the causes of thinness? Artists 4 reasons
3. Improved sex drive: link weight loss to increased testosterone levels and libido.

4. Less pain in the joints.

5. Clearer and brighter skin

6. Relieving stress and anxiety.

7. Improve your social relations.

8. Less susceptible to colds.

9. Improving memory.

10- Fewer health problems, such as diabetes, and high blood pressure.


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