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Proven tips for the treatment of thinness guaranteed

Proven tips for the treatment of thinness guaranteed

If you are looking for a treatment for thinness and serious steps to get rid of it, today we help you and provide you with proven tips to treat thinness and avoid its damage and complications on the body.

Because thinness is a serious disease just like obesity, but more dangerous because many do not know how dangerous it is, so today we will review together in this article how to treat thinness and the most important nutritional advice to gain weight safely and healthily.

Proven tips for the treatment of thinness

Thinness is severe weight loss until the body mass index (BMI) reaches a rate of less than 18.5, and it affects the general health of the body and makes it weak, weak and vulnerable to all diseases due to a weak immune system with a permanent feeling of fatigue and fatigue.

Steps to help you lose weight

  1. Maintain a healthy balanced diet with increasing food quantities and gradually increasing the number of daily meals until the stomach gets used to it and avoids indigestion.
  2. Add healthy fats to all meals while preparing them, such as olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil, and stay away from unhealthy fats to avoid heart disease and cholesterol.
  3. Gaining weight by increasing muscle mass in the body instead of increasing fat by exercising, especially strength exercises and lifting weights.
  4. Eating five daily servings of fruits and vegetables is one of the most important and proven tips for treating thinness.
  5. Rely in all daily meals on carbohydrates rich in starch such as rice, and pasta.
  6. Drink milk and its healthy alternatives such as soy milk and full-fat yogurt twice daily.
  7. Make sure to eat protein and increase its amount during the day, especially animal protein such as red meat, eggs, and chicken.
  8. Eat fish twice a week, especially fatty fish such as mackerel and salmon.
  9. Drink enough water daily and avoid eating it half an hour before meals because it increases the feeling of satiety.
  10. Reduce foods rich in sugars and salts, as they weaken the immune system.
  11. Drinking a full-fat milkshake with fresh fruit and white honey is one of the best-proven tips for treating thinness.
  12. Having nuts during the day is a healthy snack that helps you healthily gain weight.
  13. Peanut butter is a great option to add to breakfast and snacks to gain weight.
  14. Adding grated fat cheese to meals increases the calories of the meal and opens the appetite to eat larger quantities of food.
  15. Replace caffeine, such as in coffee and tea, with full-fat milk drinks.
  16. Get an adequate amount of continuous sleep at night.
  17. Rest and stay away from stress and psychological pressure because it is one of the causes of loss of appetite, eating disorders, and thinness.

The fastest way to gain weight for women

Women who suffer from thinness must get rid of them to maintain their health in the best condition and to obtain medical assistance for treatment by following nutritional advice to obtain vitamins and minerals important for the body so that they can perform their daily work without fatigue.

They must first know the cause of their thinness to receive the correct treatment. Is it caused by a disease such as a thyroid hormone disorder, a mental illness such as depression, or malnutrition and not eating in sufficient quantities? In this case, here are the most important proven tips for treating thinness quickly for women:

  • Increase the calories of meals during the day by eating nuts, unsalted almonds, cheese, whole grains, and flax seeds at a rate of 500 to 700 calories per day.
  • Proven tips for the treatment of thinness guaranteed
    Eat a large amount of protein per day to increase the proportion of muscle and thus gain weight quickly.
  • Include carbohydrates in all meals to gain weight.
  • Snacks should be eaten at least two meals a day and contain as carbohydrates and fats as much as possible such as peanut butter, avocado, full-fat yogurt with nuts, honey, and dried fruits.
  • Eat more meals and reduce their quantity in the beginning and then gradually increase them until the stomach gets used to the large size of the meal and avoid gas and bloating.
  • Increasing the muscles of the body by doing exercises such as squats, push-ups, chest exercises with weights, and resistance exercises, which are proven tips for treating thinness and avoiding cardio exercises because they burn calories and cause weight loss.
  • Eat dates with milk in the morning daily.
It should be noted that thinness causes hormonal disturbances for women and problems with fertility and pregnancy, so a treatment program for thinness for women must be followed and not neglected.

Tips to gain weight in a week

To gain weight, you must eat large amounts of food to increase calories more than the rate at which the body burns calories, by following these proven tips to treat thinness:

  • You must first know the number of calories your body needs per day and then increase about 500 to 700 calories per day to gain weight.
  • Increasing the proportion of protein per day by 1 to 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of a person's weight.
  • Eat meals rich in beneficial calories such as nuts, dried fruits, seeds, whole grains, and dates.
  • Using natural cream, butter, and natural ghee in preparing food during the day to increase calories and gain weight.
  • Stay away from smoking because it increases satiety.
  • Add cream to coffee and drinks.
  • Eat a hearty breakfast such as a ghee-fried egg with an avocado, a glass of full-fat milk with honey with nuts, and large fruit.
  • Eating protein powder because it increases weight and muscles and opens the appetite.
It should be noted that the normal rate of weight gain is 1 to 2 kilograms per week to be a healthy increase and to avoid an increase in body fat and exposure to serious diseases.


There are several proven tips to treat thinness, the most important of which are:

Increasing the number and amounts of daily meals.
Eat protein in large quantities.
Include healthy carbohydrates in all meals.
Add healthy fats to food.
A good night's sleep.
Stay away from smoking.
Do strength exercises and lift weights.


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