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2 of the medicines to treat thinness quickly and a nutritional supplement

2 of the medicines to treat thinness quickly and a nutritional supplement

Taking medications to treat thinness quickly is the most critical solution because extreme thinness is a silent killer in the body and severely weakens the immune system.

What are the drugs for the treatment of thinness? Does it hurt the body? And what is the treatment of thinness for men, and is there a nutritional supplement to treat thinness naturally?

Medicines to treat thinness quickly

Medicines for thinness are resorted to by the doctor in cases of pathological thinness such as complete loss of appetite and eating disorder diseases for patients with cancer, diabetes, thyroid disorder, and patients who do not respond to diets for thinness, and one of the most famous medicines to treat thinness quickly

1. oxandrolone

Oxandrolone is recognized by the World Health Organization and is a synthetic steroid similar to testosterone.

Its dose ranges from 20 mg to 80 mg, according to what the doctor determines, according to the patient’s weight, the cause of thinness, the extent of the body’s response, and general health to it or other diseases.

This drug works to increase the proportion of protein and its manufacture in the body and increase the proportion of muscles, which helps to gain weight. It is one of the drugs to treat thinness quickly, which doctors resort to in some cases.

Caution must be exercised when using it in patients with kidney disease, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and high calcium levels in the blood, and avoiding its use in pregnancy and childbirth.

In some cases, Oxandrolone causes cancer of the liver, and spleen, a high percentage of harmful fats in the body, and difficulty breathing.

2. Megestrol

Megestrol is one of the medicines to treat thinness quickly. It is a hormonal progestogen drug that treats thinness and loss of appetite, especially for cancer patients with anorexia.

And we must use it under the supervision of a specialized medical professional to determine the appropriate dosage and it must be avoided during pregnancy and childbirth. Megestrol has some common side effects such as:
  • rash.
  • bloating and gas
  • Insomnia and difficulty sleeping.
  • Weakness in sexual ability.
  • Megestrol has some serious side effects that require you to go to the doctor as soon as they
  • Constant vomiting and feeling very tired.
  • blurred vision
  • Leg pain with numbness and inability to move.
  • breathing difficulties.

Medicines that cause weight gain

Some medicines are used for other medical purposes that cause weight gain as a side effect, such as:

  1. Insulin.
  2. Antidepressants such as citalopram.
  3. Epilepsy medications.
  4. Hormonal medications such as birth control pills.
  5. Some types of high blood pressure treatment.
  6. Antihistamines.

Dietary supplement for weight gain from the pharmacy for women

Medicines to treat thinness quickly
Dietary supplement for weight gain from the pharmacy for women
Thinness in women affects their health, the regularity of the menstrual cycle, and body hormones, and thus affects fertility and sometimes causes problems in pregnancy. Therefore, thinness must be eliminated and not underestimated. Several nutritional supplements help in treating thinness, such as:

1- Growth Formula

Growth Formula is a food supplement for adults and there are types for children. It consists of protein, carbohydrates, and some vitamins and minerals such as zinc, calcium, vitamin B, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

 It also contains a small percentage of fiber and has several flavors such as strawberry and chocolate to open the appetite the formula helps to gain weight quickly and its results are effective in the treatment of thinness.

2- keratin

Scientific studies have proven that creatine is one of the most important nutritional supplements important for weight gain, as well as used with medicines to treat thinness quickly, and it is also found in the cells of the body naturally and in some foods.

Creatine works to build muscle and gain weight quickly and is an important source of energy in the body, especially creatine monohydrate is the most effective and safe type of keratin.

Its dose is 20 grams per day, divided into 4 times a day for 5 to 7 days, as an initial dose, then its dose is 3:5 grams per day.

3-Protein powder

Protein is the most famous food supplement that increases weight, as it is the main component of building muscle in the body, especially when used before exercising, it increases muscle mass, which increases weight by a large percentage.

It has several types, such as whey protein, and casein protein extracted from natural milk protein, and it is used with medicines to treat thinness quickly.

4- Pew Janers

Bioganers is a food supplement in the form of a powder mixture of carbohydrates with protein, vitamins, minerals, and calcium, especially vitamins B12, B6, and zinc, which are indispensable elements for strengthening immunity and gaining weight.

Its dose is a sachet on a glass of milk or water three times a day, and sometimes it is used under medical supervision with medicines to treat thinness quickly and gain weight in women.

Thinness treatment for men

2 of the medicines to treat thinness quickly and a nutritional supplement

Medicines to treat thinness quickly
Thinness treatment for men
Thinness for men is a major reason for feeling tired, permanent fatigue, and a weak immune system, but the good news is that it can be treated for men faster than women, due to the nature of the man's body because it develops greater muscle mass due to male hormones.
  • The treatment of thinness begins with following nutritional advice and a specific regimen for weight gain that is rich in protein and carbohydrates, and healthy fats must be added to all meals.
  • Increasing the number of meals with gradually increasing the amount of the meal increases the number of daily calories, which increases weight quickly.
  • Add grated cheese to meals to increase the calories of the meal.
  • Drink a milkshake with fruit, nuts, and white honey.
  • Doing resistance exercises and lifting weights to increase muscle mass in the body and gain weight.
  • Drink full-fat milk daily, and dates can be added to it.
  • Medicines to treat thinness quickly can be resorted to in cases of pathological thinness under medical supervision.

Natural appetizer for weight gain for adults

Medicines to treat thinness quickly
Natural appetizer for weight gain for adults
To gain weight, appetite can be opened withoutakingke medications to treat thinness quickly to increase the amount of food that the individual eats, such as zinc.

Scientific studies have proven that zinc deficiency causes weight loss and malnutrition, as well as hair loss and immune deficiency. The most famous natural zinc-rich foods are:

  1. Red meat.
  2. legumes;
  3. nuts.
  4. Avocados are also rich in healthy fats that help in gaining weight quickly.
  5. berries;
  6. pomegranate.
  7. kiwi;
  8. Dairy products.


Medicines to treat thinness quickly, which we resort to in cases of pathological thinness, are:

  • Oxandrolone.
  • megestrol.
There are several nutritional supplements for weight gain such as protein, and keratin.

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