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When does the baby sleep? Is the baby's sleep regular in the third month?

When does the baby sleep? Is the baby's sleep regular in the third month

 With the birth of a child comes a lot of happiness, but also sleep deprivation. And when will you stop getting up at night so many endless times?

It is natural for all these questions to revolve in your mind and to worry about the child’s sleep schedule, but this will not last long, after three months have passed, you will notice that your child’s sleep begins to gradually become regular.

When does the baby sleep

A child's need for sleep varies according to his age, as newborns tend to sleep for long periods, up to 16 hours a day, but at short intermittent intervals throughout the day.

Newborns sleep from 8 to 9 hours a day during the day and approximately 8 hours during the night at intermittent intervals of no more than an hour each time throughout the day, and most newborns cannot sleep during the night without waking up until the age of about three months

Therefore, the question of when the infant’s sleep stabilizes can be answered by starting from about the third month, as the child gradually begins to sleep regularly during the night for a period of up to 5 hours, and his sleep periods decrease during the day

Over time, you will notice that the child:

  • Sleeps less during the day
  • Becomes awake for longer periods between bedtimes
  • sleeps longer at night
  • His total sleep time is reduced

The number of hours a baby sleeps during the night

The number of hours that a baby can sleep varies according to the age of the child and the necessary feeding times, which differ from one child to another according to
  •  Breastfeeding type or formula
  • Mother's breastfeeding habits
God-made breast milk contains many nutrients needed for the baby that is easily absorbed from the digestive system, so if you are breastfeeding your baby may be more hungry

  • Newborns

Most newborns do not sleep during the night, as they need to breastfeed constantly. It can be said that two or three hours is the maximum that newborns can sleep, especially during the night.

  • 3 months old | When does a baby sleep?

 When does the baby sleep? A 3-month-old baby sleeps for about 5 hours during the night, but babies need to wake up once or twice during the night to feed.

While the age of 3 months is considered the date of the start of the regular sleep of the infant, this may differ from one child to another, and this may be delayed for a few months in other children.

  • Four months old | How long does a baby sleep?

At this age, the child can sleep for about seven or eight hours during the night, that is, approximately throughout the night, as at this age the child does not need to breastfeed during the night

  • 5 to 6 months old

When the child reaches the age of 6 months, he can sleep during the whole night without waking up, so it is recommended to start accustoming the child to regular sleep schedules, as his body at this stage is ready for that step

  • 12 months old

A child from the age of 6 months to 2 noon does not need to eat during the night and may sleep at night up to 12 hours without waking and may wake up due to hunger or teething pain.

What prevents the child from sleeping during the night? The treatment of light sleep in infants

You wonder when the baby will sleep at night. There are several factors that may prevent the baby from sleeping during the night, including:


Because the child is accustomed to breastfeeding several times during the night, especially in the first months, he may cry at night to attract attention to him or be hungry, especially in the stage of his transition to sleep for longer periods during the night, starting at the age of three or four months.

It is recommended at this stage to breastfeed him for as few periods as possible at night and leave playing with him

Fear of separation

The child is afraid of separation from his parents, especially when he is placed in bed away from his mother’s arms, which makes the mother rush to carry the child again to silence him

The mother should not carry the child again when he cries after putting him to bed and only pats his head and sings to him in a low voice to feel his presence until he calms down instead of a campaign of submission to his desires

The environment

The child should be accustomed to sleeping in a dark room as much as possible and not turn on the lights at night when checking on him

bed sharing

The child sleeping in the same bed with his parents may hinder him from sleeping at night and keep him awake throughout the night, so a separate bed should be allocated for the child to sleep in, especially after the first month of his life.

When does the baby sleep? Is the baby's sleep

Separating food from sleep

Most children like to take a nap after feeding, but after the first month, it is preferable not to try to put the child to sleep after feeding him with his bosom and rocking him to sleep.

One of the mistakes that mothers make is to use artificial milk instead of natural, because it satiates the child for a longer period, so he does not need to wake up repeatedly or feed them more than what he needs to sleep for a longer period


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