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How do I get rid of thinking when I sleep.. my mind does not sleep

How do I get rid of thinking when I sleep.. my mind does not sleep

Whenever the night comes and it is time for bed, I hate that time of day and it is a heavy burden on my chest.

I keep looking all night at the hour, and the hour passes by the hour and I am drowning in my whirlwind, as I suffer from heavy thinking and cannot sleep all those hours and I keep wondering how to get rid of thinking when I sleep.

Until I start falling asleep after that struggle, I feel like I'm sleeping and my mind is awake and I'm still thinking about it as if I'm still awake.

When I wake up I feel very tired and have headaches and my mind never sleeps.

Causes of fantasizing before bed, anxiety, and thinking a lot

Anxiety, thinking, and imagining before bed are more painful than organic pain at night. Many reasons cause this mental and psychological pain and make you think about how to get rid of thinking when sleeping, such as thinking about the bad past or preoccupation with the future:

Remember bad situations and stressors:

Your mind does not distinguish between what you remember and what is actually happening, so when you bring up an old bad situation or a situation that caused you stress or sadness, the old feeling is renewed in you.

Some people may think that thinking about painful situations that happened in the past may make their negative feeling disappear, but the opposite is true.

Reasons for fantasizing before bed:

The reasons for imagining before bed may be due to a lot of thinking about the future or imagining a situation that will happen to you in the future, such as meeting your new manager, but your imagining of those situations is unrealistic and your view of the matter may be wrong at that time.

Therefore, you must be convinced that thinking about the future and imagining situations before their time will not help you with anything but anxiety and psychological pressure. The first is to think about the present and focus on it.

Postponement method:

It may be that you are putting off work or a task that needs to be done or being afraid of a particular task that is being postponed, causing you to overthink and worry and preventing you from sleeping.

Therefore, you should make a plan for tasks that make you progress step by step, reduce anxiety and affect your sleep.

Too many responsibilities:

Your many responsibilities and the lack of time to carry out your duties and responsibilities may cause you psychological pressure, anxiety, and a lot of thinking before bed.

Social media:

Your frequent participation in and interest in social media may increase your anxiety and thinking, whether by watching bad news or comparing yourself to others.

Therefore, you should stay away from social media and allocate a specific time for it to not engage in it and increase your stress which negatively affects your sleep.

Thinking a lot about money:

There are a lot of people who are controlling at night how to get money or how they should save money and not spend too much.

Symptoms of anxiety when sleeping

Studies have proven that 10-30% of people suffer from anxiety when sleeping, and there is a strong relationship between anxiety and lack of sleep, as 90% of people who suffer from anxiety also suffer from sleep disorders.

Symptoms of sleep anxiety include:

  1. Difficulty sleeping even if you are ready to sleep and feel sleepy.
  2. Frequent awakening during sleep and the inability to fall asleep again.
  3. Waking up earlier than you are supposed to wake up.
  4. Feeling tired and restless when waking up.
  5. Feeling of not getting enough sleep, even if you have slept for long hours.

Acceptance and commitment to therapy

This treatment includes several methods, including:

Mindfulness full:

It is to focus on the positive aspects of situations and expel the negative side.

  • Convert your view:

As you expect you will go through anxiety and lack of sleep and prepare yourself for that, you begin to accept it and relax.

  •  Not trying to sleep

By avoiding lying in bed and forcing yourself to sleep, but practicing any activity that distracts you from the idea of ​​sleep, and you will find that your body needs sleep and surrenders to it without tension.

  • Wake up at the same time every day:

By making a routine to sleep and wake up and sleep at fixed times.

  • Create the right atmosphere:

By taking a warm bath, listening to soothing music, practicing deep breathing exercises and meditation, and avoiding caffeine.


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