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How to deal with a stubborn autistic child | 3 basic aspects of treatment

How to deal with a stubborn autistic child | 3 basic aspects of treatment

A relative of mine has been researching how to deal with a stubborn autistic child for too long to be able to deal with his autistic child.

My cousin noticed that his child always sits alone with his toys, he does not talk to his brothers or any of his relatives and the child gets very upset when trying to distract him from the game.

This prompted him to consult a specialized psychiatrist to find out if his child was normal or suffering from a mental illness, and the child was diagnosed with autism.

The doctor has developed a complete program for the child's life that consists of:

  • Psychotherapy.
  • Medication treatment.
  • food system.
  • Tips for dealing with a child at home.
  • The child's condition has improved and he has acquired some important social skills.


How to deal with a stubborn autistic child

Autism is a group of neurological diseases that cause a deficiency in children's social skills.

Autism affects 2 out of every 1,000 children worldwide, and it affects boys more often than girls.

Autism is usually discovered between the ages of two and four years, and sometimes it is discovered at the age of 18 months.

How to deal with a stubborn autistic child and treat it

There is no specific treatment for autism, and there is no medicine or surgery that can cure autistic patients, but we rely on psychotherapy.

If you feel your child has autism, you should consult a specialized doctor to learn how to deal with a stubborn autistic child.

A complete program is drawn up for the patient according to his condition, which is divided into drug therapy and psychotherapy.

drug therapy

The doctor uses medications to treat some of the symptoms associated with autism, such as:

  1. irritability.
  2. aggressiveness.
  3. repetitive behavior.
  4. Hyperactivity.
  5. Attention problems.
  6. anxiety and depression.


The autistic patient must be referred to a specialized psychiatrist to learn how to deal with a stubborn autistic child. There are specific programs that the doctor follows with the patient, in which parents and relatives are involved of them.

Psychotherapy aims to:

  • Learn the skills necessary for the patient to be able to be self-reliant in basic life matters.
  • Minimize unnatural behaviors that may harm oneself (such as bumping the head against a hard wall) as much as possible.
  • Teaching social skills so that the patient can communicate with others easily.


How to deal with a stubborn autistic child | 3 basic aspects of treatment

How to deal with a stubborn autistic child

Advice on how to deal with a stubborn autistic child is not without a specific diet that helps the child in the treatment journey.

Some studies have proven the effectiveness of a healthy diet in the better development of the child's condition.

The idea of ​​relying on diet in treatment is based on the possibility that vitamin and mineral deficiencies may cause autism. Therefore, these important foods and supplements must be provided for the child's meals.

Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied behavior analysis is now used in many autism clinics and schools.

This method aims to stimulate good behaviors and discourage undesirable ones.

There are several methods of applied behavior analysis such as:

Teaching the desired skills gradually step by step by dividing the steps into the most straightforward possible actions and then gradually complicating the skill required of the child until he masters the skill necessary.

The participation of the doctor and parents in the use of games and group activities to teach the child with autism some basic social skills.

Motivate the child to do the required skills by specifying rewards that the child gets for doing the right action.

Assistive Technology

How to deal with a stubborn autistic child with simple assistive technology.

It uses electronic devices to help the child learn social skills by answering some questions or interacting with another person through pictures or symbols.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is how to teach a child with autism skills such as eating and bathing.

social skills

An autism treatment program involves teaching some social skills such as conversation and problem-solving.


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