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Egg diet how many drops in a week? 10 tips to lose weight

Egg diet how many drops in a week? 10 tips to lose weight

Have you started following the egg diet? And you wonder how many eggs go down in a week?

The egg diet is one of the types of diets that people have followed since the seventies of the last century, and it became popular recently and is followed by people who want to lose weight quickly.

Is the egg diet effective? Will I regain my weight again after stopping it? We will answer all these questions in your mind here in this article.

In an egg diet how many drops in a week?

If you start following the egg diet, you will definitely wonder about the egg diet, how many decreases in a week?

But before answering the question, it is necessary to know the mechanism of its application.

The egg diet is divided into several types; Including the egg diet only, the flexible egg diet, the egg and orange diet, the egg and oat diet, the boiled egg and grapefruit diet, and the chemical egg diet.

As for the egg diet, you should only eat eggs in all meals, and protein from any other sources is not allowed, and you should also drink plenty of water.

While in the flexible egg diet, it is allowed to eat protein from eggs, lean meat, and fish.

The egg diet is based on eating fewer calories and eating more protein, which enhances the feeling of satiety.

It is allowed to eat vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, and leafy greens.

As well as fruits that do not contain a large number of carbohydrates such as oranges, grapefruit, and strawberries

You can drink calorie-free drinks in addition to water, such as tea, coffee, and ginger.

Also, adding oats, oranges, grapefruit, cucumbers, yogurt or apples enhances the effect of eggs in losing weight, enhances the nutritional value of eggs, and reduces some of the side effects that may occur when you start following the egg diet.

In an egg diet how many drops in a week? And forbidden foods

Before getting to know the egg diet, how many drops in a week? It should be noted that there are foods that are forbidden to eat while following the egg diet, for example:

It is not allowed to eat starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beetroot.
Stay away from fruits that are high in carbohydrates and sugars such as bananas, grapes, and dried fruits.
  1. Avoid eating sugars, bee honey, and molasses.
  2. Do not drink sweetened beverages and juices.
  3. Snack is not allowed between the three main meals.
  4. the milk.
  5. Fried foods.
  6. legumes;
  7. Soft drinks.

In an egg diet how many drops in a week? Its most important features

If you want to follow a diet that is low in calories and fat and rich in protein that promotes satiety, then the egg diet will do the trick.

It is worth noting that there is no research confirming the effectiveness of the egg diet, but most studies show the effect and benefits of eggs as part of diets for slimming.

The egg diet provides a quick loss of excess weight, and if you follow it for a week, you can lose from 5 to 6 kilograms.
Another advantage of the egg diet is that it is an effective way to lose weight while maintaining muscle mass.
The egg diet promotes weight loss again after its stability, especially after a period of following the keto diet.
Increases burn rate.

General tips for losing weight

The most important change you will make is to change your lifestyle to a healthy one that includes:
  1. Playing sports.
  2. Drink enough water.
  3. Pay attention to healthy, unprocessed foods.
  4. Eat vegetables and fruits.
  5. Use whole grains.
  6. Calculate calories in meals to be able to track weight gain and loss.
  7. Avoid trans fats.
  8. Limit the intake of sugars and sweets.
  9. Get enough rest
  10. Eat protein for breakfast to promote satiety.


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