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How do I control my appetite while pregnant?

 How do I control my appetite while pregnant?

How do I control my appetite while I'm pregnant? I really want to eat pickles, and at the same time, I want to eat ice cream and different types of unfamiliar foods. Is this normal during pregnancy?

Many pregnant women ask these familiar questions. Rest assured, madam, it is perfectly normal; There is a whole human being growing inside your body, and it is normal for several changes in appetite.

The common advice in pregnancy, “eat for two”, is not correct at all, you need healthy nutritional food, complete with nutrients that the body needs, without excessive.

Here are some tips to control hunger during pregnancy:

Drinking a lot of water

For some people, the feeling of hunger and thirst may be mixed, so the pregnant woman should:

  1. Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, maybe more in the heat.
  2. Avoid soft drinks, processed juices, and drinks high in sugar.

Maintain your daily calorie intake

Did you know, madam, that you do not need to increase calories during the first trimester of pregnancy, and you may need only 300 extra calories in the second stage of pregnancy, and 500 additional calories in the third stage of pregnancy.

If you're carrying more than one baby, you may need an extra 300 calories per day for each baby, in the last trimester.

eat healthy food

Eating healthy and useful food, is the best answer to your question, madam, how do I control my appetite while I am pregnant?

As the salad dish, carbohydrates rich in fiber, protein, and dairy products; The best food a pregnant woman ever eats.

Keeping in mind, that fresh foods, chewing slowly, and foods rich in fiber may make you feel fuller for a longer time.

Eat small, frequent meals

A pregnant woman can eat five or six small meals during the day, provided that she eats three large meals, as dividing the meals helps:

  • Prevent the feeling of gas and bloating.
  • Reduce heartburn and digestive disorders.
  • Prevents feeling hungry during the day.

Monitoring weight during pregnancy

If you don't gain weight in the early months of pregnancy, or even lose some weight due to nausea, feeling hungry during the later stages of pregnancy may be your body's way of making up for the lost weight.

Therefore, you should monitor your weight during pregnancy. If you notice a rapid increase in weight, you should consult your doctor; About changing your diet to maintain normal body weight during pregnancy.

Playing sports

Simple sports should be practiced during pregnancy, for example, walking and swimming are safe and effective exercises for pregnant women. But you should consult a medical professional first before doing any exercises.

body image during pregnancy

If you were overweight before pregnancy, it is natural to be concerned about excessive weight gain during pregnancy. Keep in mind that you need to gain weight for a healthy pregnancy, and you will lose the extra weight after giving birth.

However, if you gain much more weight than recommended, the baby will be larger, which can lead to problems with delivery.

It is the most important reason for the constant
It does not require a medical degree to know that the pregnant body needs more food, and healthy food, to form a healthy baby whose weight is from 2 to 4 kilograms.

It is the most important reason for the constant hunger of the pregnant woman in the first months; It is the change in hormones during pregnancy and their effect on hunger levels.

Studies have proven that changes in estrogen and progesterone are the most important reasons for eating too much at the beginning of pregnancy, as it leads to an increase in appetite, which increases the number of snacks during the day for pregnant women.

Bearing in mind that increased appetite is not a definitive symptom of pregnancy, loss of appetite due to morning sickness may be a symptom of pregnancy in some women.

Eating a lot in the first month of pregnancy | How do I control my appetite while I'm pregnant?

Eating a lot in the first month of pregnancy is closely related to morning sickness. If you do not suffer from morning sickness, your appetite for food may increase from the first month of pregnancy.

For pregnant women who suffer from morning sickness, their appetite does not increase, except when entering the second stage of pregnancy, and then decreases again in the last months, as the uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, especially the stomach, causing discomfort and increased heartburn.

The risks of obesity during pregnancy

How do I control my appetite while I'm pregnant? How do I avoid the risks of obesity?

Ghee has several risks to health in general, and to the health of the pregnant woman in particular, so you should pay close attention to what you eat, to give birth to a healthy baby, and reduce excess weight during pregnancy.

The risks of obesity during pregnancy for the mother

Obesity increases the risk of complications during pregnancy for the mother, as it may cause:

  1. Pregnancy diabetes.
  2. Abortion.
  3. High blood pressure during pregnancy.
  4. blood clots.

The risks of obesity during pregnancy to the fetus

The risks of obesity during pregnancy increase for the fetus, as it may cause:

  1. Premature birth.
  2. Weight gain at birth.
  3. Increased body fat at birth.
  4. Stillbirth.
  5. birth defects
  6. Increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.


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