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Way to lose weight in a week | 10 tips to gain weight

Way to lose weight in a week | 10 tips to gain weight

Where can I get a way to lose weight in a week, or gain weight in a week, I know that the common problem is always weight gain, and how to get rid of excess weight.

But the problem of thinness is not a simple matter, as it is one of the things that calls for concern and attention, and therefore we must strive to solve it.

Although the global prevalence of underweight people has decreased significantly, it is still a problem that needs to be solved.

But before talking about the problems of thinness, and a way to lose weight in a week, let us first know how to determine a healthy weight in a person.

What is a healthy weight range?

How do we know that we need to follow a way to lose weight in a week to solve the problem of being underweight, using the body mass index.

A healthy weight can be determined using the body mass index.

The BMI falls between 18.5 to 24.9 under the healthy weight range, while if your BMI is 18.5 or less, this means that the individual is underweight and underweight

Before looking for a way to lose weight in a week, we mention the reason behind the appearance of thinness in some people, which sometimes happens while maintaining a good rate of eating, and we mention it as follows:

frustrated person

Reasons for being thin

If your body mass index indicates that you suffer from thinness, the causes of thinness can be multiple, as follows:
  • High metabolism or white food
Everyone has a different body type, and people with a high metabolic rate keep getting thin and underweight, and fail to gain it.

No matter how much they eat in a day, even after eating high-calorie foods, a way to lose weight in a week may not help.
  • family history
    Our genes play an important role in determining body structure and weight, if you have a low BMI and you are genetically thin, don't stress yourself out.

    Few people are born with a type of gene that makes them naturally thin, with a low BMI.
    • Increase physical activity
    Athletes or people who engage in high levels of physical activity, such as runners, burn a large number of calories that lead to a lower body weight.

    No matter how much they eat in a day, even after eating high-calorie foods, a way to lose weight in a week may not help.
    • eating disorders
      One of the most important causes of thinness is the problem of eating disorders, as eating disorders, such as: anorexia nervosa, remain an important cause of weight loss, so these problems must be solved as the most important way to lose weight in a week.
      • medical conditions
        Some medical conditions in an individual, such as: diabetes, hyperthyroidism, infections, cancers, etc. can lead to weight loss, and it is not possible to gain it.

        Despite following more than one way to lose weight in a week, it does not bear fruit except by treating medical conditions.
        • Psychological and mental disorders
        Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, and eating disorders can also cause a loss of appetite and lead to weight loss.

        People with depression may experience severe loss of appetite and lose a significant amount of weight very quickly, so these people need immediate medical help.

        But is being thin a problem with dressing or just appearance? Accordingly, we are looking for a way to lose weight in a week, or does it have other consequences that may harm the health of the individual, so we mention here .

        Problems caused by extreme thinness

        Like overweight and obesity, thinness is not only a problem related to the shape, as it causes health problems that affect the health and life of the individual, such as:

        1. Osteoporosis.
        2. Weakened immune system.
        3. Feeling tired most of the time
        4. Skin, hair and teeth problems.
        5. Anemia.
        6. Irregular menstrual cycles in women.
        7. Premature birth.
        8. growth retardation;


        The possibility of osteoporosis increases due to a lack of mineral density in it, according to a study conducted in 2016. The study showed that being underweight increases a woman's risk of osteoporosis.

        This is because the bones are more fragile and more prone to fracture.

        weak immunity

        Studies have found a relationship between increased inflammation and weight loss. Poor nutrition may lead to decreased immunity and weight loss.

        Also, if a person does not get enough energy from their diet to maintain a healthy body weight, they may not get enough nutrients to fight infection.

        As a result, a person may get sick more frequently, and common illnesses, such as a cold, can last longer than usual.

        Extreme thinness may also affect the ability of wounds to heal, and therefore more complications will occur in people who are sluggish than others, and then adopting a method for thinness in a week becomes very important.

        Feeling tired and exhausted

        If a person does not get the calories required to perform his vital functions and carry out his usual activities, this will affect his day and the exercise of his life.

        Skin, hair and dental problems

        If a person does not get the necessary and sufficient nutrients in their daily diet, they may experience physical symptoms such as dry skin, hair loss, or poor dental health.


        Insufficient calories consumed may lead to the so-called anemia, and its main symptoms are dizziness, fatigue and headache.

        Irregular periods and fertility problems

        Sometimes being underweight leads to irregular or interrupted periods in women.

        Girls who suffer from thinness or underweight may also delay the occurrence of the first menstrual cycle.

        Premature birth

        According to one study, thin women are at greater risk of preterm birth.

        delayed growth

        Delayed growth can be seen in underweight children, especially children under the age of 3 when the brain is developing rapidly.

        The brain needs nutrients to grow properly.

        Underweight children may lose essential nutrients due to malnutrition and malabsorption.

        This can affect brain development and delay growth milestones, and sometimes a reduced growth rate for a child is a warning sign that he or she is not gaining weight at the expected rate.

        Young people also need important nutrients during the growth period to form bones, grow the body at a normal rate and form, and develop properly.

        But with being underweight and not getting the required calories, and important nutrients, this may lead to poor growth.

        delayed growth Delayed growth can be seen in underweight children, especially children under the age of 3 when the brain is developing rapidly.  The brain needs nutrients to grow properly.  Underweight children may lose essential nutrients due to malnutrition and malabsorption.  This can affect brain development and delay growth milestones, and sometimes a reduced growth rate for a child is a warning sign that he or she is not gaining weight at the expected rate.  Young people also need important nutrients during the growth period to form bones, grow the body at a normal rate and form, and develop properly.  But with being underweight and not getting the required calories, and important nutrients, this may lead to poor growth.

        Can I get rid of thinness in a week?

        It should be noted that weight gain is not a result that you can get once you start applying a method of slimming in a week.

        With choosing good foods and a well-disciplined lifestyle, it requires patience and staying motivated.

        Do not aim to gain more than 2 kg, as the search for rapid weight gain may lead to an unhealthy gain.

        Gaining weight quickly in a week, for example, may lead to the increase in weight being caused by an increase in harmful visceral fat, as well as lean muscle mass, in addition to that it may give only temporary results.


        Among the most important recipes for weight gain in a week is to eat breakfast, and we must maintain that it consists of important nutrients. The breakfast that contains:

        Two slices of whole-grain bread toasted with two tablespoons of peanut butter.
        Next to two boiled eggs.
        Besides one cup of hot chocolate with cocoa or milk and a fruit of your choice.
        It is a healthy breakfast that must be followed when you follow a way to lose weight in a week.

        You can take a snack between breakfast and lunch, such as: a handful of nuts.


        Grilled chicken breast or fish fillet with whole wheat pasta or you can choose a cup of brown rice and legumes.

        Along with green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and cheese.

        You can have a snack in the evening consisting of tea, or coffee with a cake made of whole wheat.


        A piece of meat, or fish fillet fried in olive oil, along with mashed potatoes or mashed cauliflower with milk, and fresh vegetables.


        You can eat full-fat cream with fruits, nuts and yogurt, or pancakes with honey syrup.


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