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I have a vitamin D level of 7, do I suffer from a vitamin D deficiency?

“I was suffering from severe stress all day, bone and lower back pain, and I did many tests and they were always normal until I found out that I had a vitamin D level of 7. The doctor told me that vitamin D deficiency is the cause of all my symptoms.”

“The doctor advised me to be exposed to the sun for a sufficient amount of time daily to stimulate my skin to produce vitamin D. He also advised me to eat fish and eggs, in addition to some nutritional supplements that contain vitamin D.”

Vitamin D

Vitamins are substances that the body needs in small quantities, but they are necessary for the performance of vital functions in the body. So far, 13 different vitamins have been known, the most important of which is vitamin D.

My Vitamin D level is 7! Exposure to sunlight only avoids suffering from vitamin D deficiency, as the skin can, through exposure to ultraviolet rays, make inactive vitamin D, and then it is activated in two steps, one in the liver and the other in the kidneys.

Vitamin D functions

  • Calcium absorption control

Vitamin D stimulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorous in the intestine, two minerals that are very important for bone health.

Therefore, vitamin D deficiency leads to bone pain and easy fracture, and it also causes soft and twisted bones in children in what is known as rickets, which results from vitamin D deficiency in children.

  • Prevention of high blood pressure

Vitamin D maintains the integrity of blood vessel walls and prevents high blood pressure.

  • Prevention of preeclampsia

The high incidence of preeclampsia is due to vitamin D deficiency.

  • Vitamin D3 benefits skin

Vitamin D protects the skin from infections and maintains the integrity of DNA within the nucleus of cells. It prevents the destruction of cells to maintain the freshness of the skin.

It also strengthens immunity, protecting the skin from microbes, and protecting it from oxidizing external factors.

My Vitamin D level is 7

Number 7 in the vitamin D analysis indicates a severe deficiency of the vitamin in the body, accompanied by several symptoms and serious risks that may occur when treatment is ignored.

With this low level of vitamin D, you may suffer from:

  • Infection with infectious diseases

One of the important functions of vitamin D is to strengthen the immune system and make you more able to fight microbes. Vitamin D deficiency leads to frequent infection with bacteria and viruses.
Trials have found that getting 4,000 units of vitamin D daily reduces the risk of respiratory infections.

  • Feeling very tired and exhausted

One vitamin D deficient patient says: “I was very tired and exhausted, I kept having headaches all day and couldn't do any of my normal daily functions. Until I found out that I suffer from severe vitamin D deficiency; I had a vitamin D level of 7.
Vitamin D deficiency can cause extreme tiredness and fatigue, and prevent you from performing normal daily activities.

  • Back and orthopedic pain

Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining bone health; It stimulates the absorption of calcium in the intestines to increase its level in the blood.

It has been found that a large proportion of those who suffer from chronic low back pain suffer from vitamin D deficiency, and the pain usually improves when the vitamin D level is restored to the normal range.

It is recommended for those who suffer from bone pain to take calcium, but usually, patients also suffer from vitamin D deficiency in addition to calcium deficiency, and the patient may not benefit from calcium alone when vitamin D deficiency is ignored; The absorption of calcium in the intestine decreases with vitamin D deficiency.

  • poor wound healing

It was found that vitamin D increases some of the necessary substances in the wound healing process, and it was found that those who suffer from vitamin D deficiency require a longer period than normal for wound healing.

Vitamin D also has an important role in reducing inflammation and preventing microbes; It reduces the possibility of infection at the site of the wound.

  • hair loss

Hair loss has been associated with stress, especially in women, but beware, the cause of hair loss may be something else, such as vitamin D deficiency.

Several studies have found that vitamin D deficiency causes hair loss, and may even lead to baldness in some cases.

How to avoid vitamin D deficiency?

My Vitamin D level is 7! You can easily avoid this by getting enough sun exposure every day.

Skin cells can make vitamin D by exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Vitamin D is made inactive and then activated in two steps.

The first step is in the liver and the second and final step is in the kidneys, so patients with liver and kidneys suffer from active vitamin D deficiency.

However, caution should be exercised when exposing the skin to the sun for fear of first-degree burns. Be sure to expose the skin to the sun in a suitable atmosphere away from the very hot weather, and for an appropriate period that is not long.

Vitamin D can also be obtained from food, from natural sources rich in vitamin D:
  • fish
Fish, such as salmon and sardines are very rich in vitamin D; 100 grams of salmon provides 526 units of vitamin D.
  • eggs
Egg yolk contains many nutrients, the most important of which is vitamin D.
  • Vitamin D canned food
For some foods that do not contain vitamin D, and vitamin D can be added to them during packaging, such as yogurt, soy milk, and orange juice.


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