But is everyone who appears to be underweight, or are there signs or symptoms specific to being underweight? Is the problem of thinness in all people cause concern?
The truth is that thinness can be a simple problem that does not cause concern, as it can be overcome simply as a change in diet, or it can be a disease problem and cause serious complications.
In the coming lines, we will discuss detailed information about this problem, learn about its symptoms, causes, and the best solution to treat and overcome it.
Let's get to know more about this health problem.
Lack of some vitamins or minerals, can be indirectly linked to loss of appetite and thus eating small amounts of food, causing low body weight.
Severe malnutrition pushes the body to consume energy by burning stored fats for energy, and then after consuming the body's fat content it resorts to consuming proteins as an energy source.
What is the definition of thinness?
To find out if a person is really underweight or not.
To say that the body weight is normal, the percentage of the body mass index must be about 18.5, while if the percentage drops below 18.5, we can say that the person suffers from thinness, thinness, or underweight.
Therefore, body mass index (BMI) must be measured, to find out whether a person is really underweight or not.
Body Mass Index (BMI) Method
- Body Mass Index (BMI) percentages
- Low weight (thin): less than 18.5.
- Healthy/normal weight: 18.5.
- Overweight: 25-29.
- Obesity: 30 or higher.
What are the causes of thinness?
- physical causes.
- Genetic causes.
- psychological reasons.
- pathological reasons.
Various causes of thinness
The causes of thinness vary and can be divided into physical, psychological, and genetic causes.
Physical causes of thinness
The physical causes of thinness vary, and most of these reasons depend on the state of the individual’s activity, or in other words, they are the result of a specific physical activity carried out by the individual, and this activity results in a decrease in body weight, including the following:
severe malnutrition
Severe malnutrition can deprive the body of important nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals, causing a reduction in body weight and muscle mass.
Lack of some vitamins or minerals, can be indirectly linked to loss of appetite and thus eating small amounts of food, causing low body weight.
Severe malnutrition pushes the body to consume energy by burning stored fats for energy, and then after consuming the body's fat content it resorts to consuming proteins as an energy source.
Therefore, severe malnutrition leads to a gradual decrease in body weight, and after the percentage of muscle mass in the body decreases, the body begins to thin and the person appears thin.
Do not eat foods rich in calories
Continuing to eat some foods that are poor in calories, can prevent body weight gain, as each person has a certain need for elements and daily calories.
Not eating enough daily calories, causes gradual weight loss and thinness.
Excessive physical activity
Exercising more than one's caloric intake, as in the case of athletes, can lead to a decrease in excess body weight.
Therefore, this loss must be compensated by eating larger amounts of food, or foods rich in calories.