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What are the best 7 healthy low-calorie foods?

Low-calorie healthy foods

Low calorie healthy foods

Many people are looking for healthy, low-calorie foods to maintain weight, but the truth is that we must always eat healthy food because this is the only way to get good health and a healthy body.

What is healthy food, and what are healthy, low-calorie foods that can be eaten without worrying about weight gain or any other health problems associated with eating unhealthy food.

Let's get acquainted with a list of healthy low-calorie foods, and learn how to prepare a healthy balanced meal, at the same time low in calories.

When do extra calories occur?

The body needs a certain number of calories per day, this number is sufficient for the body to carry out all its activities and vital processes, and when it obtains excessive amounts of calories, it stores them.

Often the source of these calories is foods rich in carbohydrates or fats because most carbohydrates are rich in calories, and fats provide the body with a large number of calories.

Natural healthy food often does not contain many calories, while unhealthy foods, such as fast food and soft drinks, contain huge amounts of calories.

What are the effects of excess calories in the body?

The harm of excess calories is that the body often stores them as fat, and these fats accumulate in the body, causing unhealthy weight gain.

 These fats also cause multiple health problems for the heart and blood vessels and other diseases and give a bad view of the body.

What is healthy food?

Healthy food is what supplies the body with its needs of nutrients and does not cause harm to the body, such as weight gain or other health problems.

 A healthy meal is also mostly made of natural ingredients and does not contain manufactured substances that cause an imbalance in the body and reduce the nutritional value of food.

Low-calorie healthy foods

Many healthy, low-calorie foods enable the body to obtain all the nutritional benefits without increasing calories, such as:

  1. Yogurt of the day.
  2. Fish, especially marine ones, such as salmon and tuna.
  3. Oats.
  4. Skinless chicken breasts.
  5. Legumes
  6. Vegetable soup
  7. Berries, such as berries of all kinds and strawberries
  8. eggs
  9. Watermelon
  10. Chia seeds
  11. Cottage cheese
  12. Potatoes
  13. Lean red meat

The previous foods are healthy and rich in important nutrients, and at the same time, they do not contain many calories, and some of them even burn calories.

Low-calorie healthy meals

Depending on a list of healthy, low-calorie foods, a group of healthy, low-calorie meals can be prepared, such as:

  1. Grilled chicken breast with green beans
chicken breast

Skinless chicken breasts are high in protein and low in fat, and the grilling process ensures that no unhealthy fats are added to the meal.

Green beans are also a rich source of vegetable protein and at the same time minerals and vitamins, so this meal is healthy and low in calories, and beans can be replaced with any type of vegetable that can be cooked.

To increase the nutritional value, a little olive oil can be added to this meal, as a source of healthy fats that help in the absorption of minerals and vitamins in the body.


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