Is running the fastest exercise that burns 500 calories every 10 minutes to get the ideal weight and a lean body, especially if you don't have much time to exercise and want to lose extra weight?
Starting to burn 500 calories per day is suitable for beginners and lose 450 grams per week. And to overcome the problem of yo-yo diet and lose weight irreversibly.
Workout burns 500 calories every 10 minutes
Running burns high calories
Running is an exercise that burns 500 calories
Running is the easiest exercise that burns 500 calories every 10 minutes, and most trainees can easily practice it and burn high calories, and when you increase your running speed to 20 miles per hour, the burning reaches 550 calories.
Climbing stairs
The stair climbing exercise is known to everyone and burns high calories, but most of us have not practiced it, so we have to start going up and down the stairs and to burn a higher rate of calories. Carry in both hands a 2.5 kg dimple.
This exercise helps you to increase muscle mass in the body and thus increase the burning and strengthen the muscles of the upper and lower body, an exercise that burns about 600 calories.
rowing exercise
If your goal is to move all the muscles of the body and lose weight, then the rowing exercise is the right one for you, of course, and the results are great. When you row for a person weighing 100 kg, it burns 500 calories in 20 minutes and increases the burning of accumulated fat.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
Hit exercises
Aerobic exercise that burns high calories
Hit exercises are the fastest exercise that burns 500 calories every 10 minutes or less, especially for those who do not have time to exercise. It is a strong, high-tempo and intensity exercise for two to four minutes, interspersed with less intense exercises for a minute.
It is one of the most important fat burning exercises more than the usual cardio exercises because it makes the body in a state of continuous burning even after the exercise ends to balance the oxygen level of the cells after exercise and it increases the burning rate 30 times more than other exercises and it is preferable to practice it 3 times a week.
Bike riding
Cardio exercises
strength exercises
Strength exercises burn high calories
Workout burns 500 calories
Strength exercises aim to build muscle mass in the body and increase its size, which raises the rate of burning the body. They are squatting exercises with weights in the hands, and they can be practiced at first with simple weights.
Then we gradually increase the weights to increase the calories consumed by the body in the exercise, and a doctor should be consulted before practicing these exercises to ensure that they are appropriate to the health status of the trainee.
How many steps to burn 500 calories
Walking is a suitable exercise for beginners and does not require special tools to be practiced and preferred by everyone. The person’s burning when exercising depends on weight, walking speed and duration as well.
Walking at a slow speed of 20 steps burns one calorie, so in order for a person to burn 500 calories, he must walk 10,000 steps, which is easy to achieve with determination and put the goal of losing weight before your eyes.
Swede exercises how much do you burn?
Al-Suwaidi exercises work on all the muscles of the body and tighten them, and it is an alternative to the use of sports equipment. It depends on the use of body weight and resistance during exercise, and its results are amazing in increasing the fitness of the trainee.
Al-Suwaidi exercises are suitable for beginners, such as plank and squat exercises, push-ups, and oblique side push-ups.