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Important tips for losing body fat within 6 weeks

Important tips for losing body fat within 6 weeks

Are you looking for a tight body and perfect muscles in a short period? Here is the system to lose body fat in 6 weeks; This system helps you burn body fat, tighten flabbiness, maintain muscle mass, and healthily lose weight.

You can follow this system if you are going to participate in a sports tournament or bodybuilding competition.

Body fat loss regimen in 6 weeks

The system for drying body fat within 6 weeks depends on a set of tips and instructions that help raise the rate of burning fat in the body, strengthen and maintain muscle mass, rid the body of excess fluids, healthily lose weight…

it via:

  1. A low-calorie diet based mainly on protein and low in carbohydrates and fats.
  2. Exercises to lose body fat during 6 weeks are distributed according to the intensity and method of application during 6 weeks.
  3. Tips help to change the lifestyle to a more healthy lifestyle that helps to fix any hormonal imbalance in the body and improve metabolism.

The first week

Cut carbohydrates in half for four consecutive days with exercise, with the aim of:

  • Reducing the rate of carbohydrates forces the body to burn the accumulated fat to get the energy it needs.
  • Cutting carbs helps reduce calories.
  • Regulating the level of the hormone insulin in the blood helps control appetite.

Examples of lower carbs: Half a loaf of whole grain bread, a small plate of pasta, and a small plate of rice.

Bringing back your normal carbohydrate intake for the rest of the week after cutting back

  • Increase the efficiency of the metabolism process.
  • Stimulating the conversion of carbohydrates into muscle glycogen is the goal of the cutting system.

Avoid carbohydrates in the last meal before bed as it helps in:

  • increased secretion of growth hormone; Which increases the rate of burning fat and building muscle.

second week

The second week in the 6-week system of losing body fat depends on:

Do light cardio exercises for a sufficient duration of 30-40 minutes twice during the second week
  • Cardio exercises act as a catalyst to increase the rate of burning body fat.
  • Cardio exercises help lose weight while following the same diet.
Increase the amount of protein you eat before and after exercise by 25 grams, such as chicken, fish, lean meat

As reducing the rate of carbohydrates with cardio exercises makes the body look for an alternative other than fat for energy, which is the muscles of the body.
Increasing the amount of protein helps maintain muscle mass and strength.

The third week

By following the same diet by reducing carbohydrates and doing cardio exercises, the body gets used to this system somewhat, so the third week depends on:

Reduce the rate of carbohydrates in two of the first four days of the week to the quarter, as:
  •  The sudden reduction puts the body in a state of threat and forces it to resort to its main source of energy in this case, which is fat.
  • The sudden reduction stimulates the metabolism.
Using some fat-burning pills that contain green tea extract and caffeine to help increase the body's burning rate of fat.

fourth week

This week depends on raising the efficiency of the body's burning of fat by:

Add an extra 40 minutes of moderate to high-intensity cardio after your usual workout or in the morning:
  • High-intensity cardio exercises help increase metabolic efficiency and burn fat.
  • High-intensity cardio should not be overdone and made in the final weeks of your drying regimen only so that it does not backfire.
Follow the same low-carb diet, taking into account an increase in protein before and after exercise to maintain muscle mass.

The fifth week

The fifth week in the system of burning body fat within 6 weeks depends on:

Break your diet routine on the first day of the week by increasing your carbohydrate intake by eating 2 slices of pizza, burgers, and a piece of sweets.
  • This helps in increasing the rate of burning fat quickly.
  • Breaking the stability of weight and getting the body used to your diet.
Add additional sets to your existing workouts or do 1-2 new exercises in addition to your existing workout
  • This increases the rate of fat burning.
  • The intensity of these exercises increases muscle strength and prevents muscle glycogen loss.

the sixth week

The sixth week of the 6-week regimen depends on getting some rest from exercise for 3 or 4 days.
  • Exercising at the same intensity for a long time makes the body stubborn, responding oppositely.
  • Rest helps the body to regain its activity and increase its efficiency in burning fat.

How long does the body lose fat?

The period of drying the body from fat varies according to body weight, health status, physical fitness, and the regime followed in drying, but the period of drying the body from fat may take about 3-4 months, and it may reach 6 months in some systems.

How do you avoid losing muscle?

Muscle loss can be avoided by increasing the amount of protein by about 25 grams before and after exercise, to prevent the body from breaking down muscle glycogen and losing muscle.

What is a slimming diet for women?

The drying diet for women, whose purpose is to obtain an ideal and slender body free of flabbiness, depends on following a low-calorie diet that contains the most protein and few carbohydrates and fats with some exercise to maintain muscle mass and raise the rate of burning fat

Does eating protein help burn fat?

In the cutting system, eat protein while reducing carbohydrates and fats; It increases the rate at which the body burns accumulated fats to obtain energy, thus losing weight and obtaining a perfect body.

How much weight loss per week?

Doctors and nutrition experts indicate that the normal rate of weight loss per week ranges from 1-2 kilos per week. Nutrition experts do not recommend diets that help in a rapid weight loss equivalent to 5 kilos per week because of their negative impact such as losing many nutrients, weakness Loss of muscle mass, slow metabolism, easy weight gain, increase chances of gallstone formation


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