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Tips for the firstborn pregnant woman in the seventh month.. What are the symptoms of this period?

Tips for the firstborn pregnant woman in the seventh month.. What are the symptoms of this period?
At the beginning of the seventh month of your pregnancy, the last third of the pregnancy period begins, you have many questions about the nature of this period, the changes that occur to you and your fetus and what is considered normal, and what causes concern and a visit to the doctor, especially if this is your first pregnancy. Here are some tips for the firstborn pregnant woman in the seventh month.

Tips for the first-born pregnant woman in the seventh month

There are some tips to help you stay healthy during your pregnancy, including:

Exercising for pregnant women

Exercise helps you keep fit and overcome some pregnancy pains and mood swings, and strengthens muscles and ligaments, making it easier to give birth.

Make sure to do simple sports such as walking, swimming or yoga, which improve the psychological state, relieve stress and help make childbirth easier.

Kegel exercises

It is one of the best tips for the firstborn pregnant woman in the seventh month, as it helps to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic area that support the urinary bladder, intestines and uterus, making childbirth easier and avoiding urinary incontinence that sometimes follows natural childbirth; As a result of weakness of the muscles surrounding the urethra that control urine output.

It is preferable to consult a doctor before starting to exercise, and how to exercise it in a proper way so as not to lead to damage, as well as avoid violent sports such as weightlifting.

Take care of personal hygiene

Taking care of your personal hygiene during pregnancy avoids infection with a large number of bacteria and viruses that can cause miscarriage, or be transmitted to the fetus and cause diseases or deformities.

Use sunscreen

Make sure to avoid harmful sunlight by using sunscreen and sunglasses, as pregnancy in some cases leads to increased sensitivity of the skin to the sun, or the appearance of pregnancy melasma or dark spots on the body.

rest and relax

Make sure to get plenty of rest and relaxation, especially at night and during naps. Massage also helps you relieve back pain and improve blood circulation, which reduces blood stagnation and swelling.

Tips for the firstborn pregnant woman in the seventh month | Vitamins that a pregnant woman needs

Tips for the firstborn pregnant woman in the seventh month.. What are the symptoms of this period?

From the beginning of your planning for pregnancy or the actual occurrence of pregnancy, you need to provide your body with several vitamins and nutrients necessary for the growth of your fetus, and to compensate your body with the elements that it loses during pregnancy, by eating foods rich in these vitamins and elements as well as the medicines that you provide to the body.

Therefore, you should consult your doctor about the vitamins needed for you and your fetus, including:
  • Folic acid
Folic acid is necessary for the normal development of the fetus's body, and the lack of it in the body in appropriate quantities leads to birth defects in the fetus.
  • Iron
  • Calcium

Don't smoke and alcohol

Avoid smoking or passive smoking (being around a smoker) because it is a poison that harms your health and the health of your fetus, and also avoid alcoholic beverages.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman in the seventh month

There are some foods and drinks that the pregnant woman prefers to eat more of, and some of them prefer to stay away from them. It is advised to consult a doctor to determine the foods and drinks that suit you or do not suit you during pregnancy.

caffeine for pregnant women

Caffeine can negatively affect your health and the health of your fetus, as it reaches the fetus through the placenta and affects the heart rate, blood pressure and nervous system, so it is advice for the firstborn in the seventh month to try to replace it with healthy drinks without caffeine or with fruits.

Drink plenty of water

During pregnancy, your body needs more water, as:

It provides the fetus with fluids that surround it in the womb, so it is necessary to protect the fetus from dehydration, which causes miscarriage.

Drinking adequate amounts of water helps the body to get rid of toxins through urine and reduces the body's storage of water, which causes swelling.

Protects against constipation and headache.


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